Monday, February 28, 2022


Who Can I Trust?


All you Israelites, trust in the Lord—

he is their help and shield.

House of Aaron, trust in the Lord—

he is their help and shield.

You who fear him, trust in the Lord—

he is their help and shield.

The Lord remembers us and will bless us:

He will bless his people Israel,

he will bless the house of Aaron,

he will bless those who fear the Lord—

small and great alike. Psalm 115:9-13 NIV



What if I told you I knew someone who could take care of all your problems and concerns, and the one thing needed from you is to simply believe. Would you accept the offer? Well, that person is Christ Jesus who died on the cross so that you would have life and have it in abundance. Jesus took your sin, judgment, and suffering so you would not have to. He bore mankind's sins so we could be made righteous in the Father's eyes. He has already given us the greatest gift, why would he withhold anything else. Whatever you are concerned about or struggling with trust in the love of God to make that situation right. The same love that brought the Son of God to this world to be made a living sacrifice is the same love and power that satisfies every need. The enemy’s weak efforts pale in comparison to the power of God. The created is never a match for the Creator. Jesus settled the sin issue 2,000 years ago and is returning soon to destroy the enemy once and for all. We are now experiencing the prophecy of the Lord’s return. We can take the posture of rest and confidence in every situation. Trust God in all things, he is searching for those whose heart is set on Him to show Himself strong. 2 Chron 16:19 NASB

Sunday, February 27, 2022

 Be Who God Created You to Be

Many people in the world today are lost because they don’t know their identity. I am not talking about the family you were born into, title, zip code, or marital status. I am speaking of the way you are defined by God, your identity established by your heavenly Father. Many identify themselves by education, material possessions, or their financial status, but those things pale in comparison to who you really are through Christ Jesus. God identifies you this way: “You have made them to be a kingdom and priest to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth” (Rev 5:10 NIV). Wow!!! That is powerful. See God did not shortchange us in any way. He created us to rule in declaring his Kingdom. He equips us with everything we need along with reassurance us of who we are, wonderfully made, more than a conqueror, the head and not the tail, loved, protected, completely forgiven, the apple of his eye, and much more. God did not mince words when it came to describing who we really are in his eyes. But It’s our job to believe with boldness and confidence in the word of God and we will shine for his glory and his glory alone. 


you are made whole and holy by His love. Ephe 1:4 MSG