Monday, October 31, 2022

 Our Thought Life


Do you ever have racing thoughts jumping from one concern to another? Thoughts of the past and uncertainties about the future. This is an area that I really struggle with. Many times, I wish I had a switch to just turn my thoughts off. Unfortunately, God did not make us with an “off switch,” but he did provide us with his Word to give us instructions on how to guide our thought life.

Whatever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy we should think on these things (Phil 4:8). When life is throwing us problems and concerns it's challenging to be positive and faith-filled. Thank God, he has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in our time of need. He can calm our minds and emotions and bring the word of God to our remembrance to “tear down the arguments,” in our minds. The word of God is more powerful than overthinking, worries, and concerns. To assist me with my thought life, I listed scripture-based affirmations to think upon in each category of Phil 4:8, which I have shared below. When it’s hard to settle the cares of the world in your mind reflect on these thoughts. Remember what you are experiencing now is temporary, but God’s word stands forever. “Heaven and earth will pass away but my Word will last forever.” Matt 24:35


Finally, brethren, 


whatsoever things are true, 

·       I am loved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords 

·       I am the righteousness of God

·       I am protected

·       I am cared for

·       I am complete through Christ Jesus

whatsoever things are honest,

·       God will never leave me alone

·       I am kept by Almighty God

·       I will never be forsaken

·       The Lord is my Shepherd

·       God has great plans for my life

·       I am destined for greatness

·       No weapon formed against me will prosper

·       God will turn everything evil in my life for good

whatsoever things are just, 

·       I am free from all sin by the blood of Jesus

·       I am completely healed & whole

·       I am free from guilt, fear & condemnation

·       I am saved from the pit of hell.

·       As Jesus is so am I

whatsoever things are pure,

·       God is love

·       Love went to the cross for me

·       Perfect love (God) cast out all fear

·       God’s love never fails

·       God handpicked me

·       I am the apple of God’s eye

whatsoever things are lovely,

·       Nothing will ever separate me from God’s love

·       I am sealed by the Holy Spirit

·       God sees me holy as he is holy

·       I am God’s beloved Child

·       Whatever I ask according to his purpose he will do

·       Love allows me to rest as the creator of all things work

whatsoever things are of good report, 

·       Sin no longer separates me from God

·       I am saved

·       I am free

·       Goodness & Mercy is chasing me down

·       God is not angry with me

·       The righteous will never be forsaken

·       God is faithful 

if there be any virtue, 

·       God sees & knows all things

·       God is concerned about every detail of my life

·       Since God watches over every sparrow, how much more will he watch over me

·       God is my exceeding great reward

·       His love is unfailing

·       It’s impossible for God to lie

·       God’s word is true it endures from generation to generation

and if there be any praise, 

·       Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

·       His Word is life unto my flesh 

·       The Lord’s Kingdom will never end

·       The Word of the Lord will never pass away

·       God’s love never fails

think on these things. Phil 4:8


We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 When It Doesn’t Make Sense


Have you ever had an experience or tragedy so painful that your head couldn’t fully understand but your heart knew it to be true? A pain that could not be articulated only felt that no one else could fully grasp because it was your personal journey. The word of God tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but we really don’t get the full impact of that scripture until something happens in our lives unexpected, and unimaginable. As devasting as these circumstances may be we must remember that God is not the author of evil, he has no evil in him, he is love. I have heard many people say that God allows bad experiences to happen. That is true as it relates to Bible prophecy for his will to take place on this earth in preparation for his return. However, God does not give Satan permission to inflict evil on his children. That would mean that Satan would take his evil plans and run them by God to allow or approve them. God and Satan do not dwell or communicate together. We live in an evil world where unforeseen occurrences happen to us all. Many of these occurrences are manifested by the enemy to make us turn away from God. But God is not the orchestrator of evil. Sometimes terrible things happen, and we are not going to understand why. During those times many people blame God or express that God is teaching us a lesson. Do you know what that does to a person’s spirit who is already heartbroken and in pain? Look at the example of Jesus when he was on the earth did he once inflict pain or a bad experience on anyone to teach them a lesson? Absolutely not and nor is he doing it today. We may never understand “why” certain things happen but here is what we do know – God’s word says, “in the world, we will have tribulations and trials but take heart he has overcome the world,” “all things work for the good of them that love the Lord,” and “I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children begging for bread.” To get through difficult times, we must keep our focus on the truths in God’s word instead of trying to understand “why” something happened. Even if we understood the why, it would not reverse the situation or heal our hearts. Only God can heal our broken hearts and desperately seeks to do so.  As hard as it may be to trust, hope, and believe again we must look to the Lord for our help even if it’s with tears in our eyes, and disbelief and confusion in our minds. Seek God for the healing and full restoration that only he can give. Our hope is in Christ who will return soon for his Bride and will destroy the evil one from this earth and replace it with total peace, in the lavish of God’s love.  The enemy didn’t win, God always causes his children to triumph!



Lord my heart is broken, and I don’t understand why these things are happening in my life, but you have said that you are the repairer of broken hearts so I seek you today and ask that you will give me peace and comfort that only comes from you. In Jesus name, Amen.