Sunday, July 27, 2014

What to Do With Our Mistakes

Adam was the first human being made by God in His likeness. He was perfect with no sin or flaws. God gave Adam a free will to make decisions just as he has given us. So why being born of sin do we think we will escape making bad decisions and sinning against God? We should all strive to follow Christ example but when we fail (and we will) the first thing we must do is repent before God and forgive ourselves. God made a way for us to escape death due to sin he paid it all on the cross a demonstration of just how much God loves us a personal gift to all that accepts it. 

.....I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (ESV)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us! 
Matt 20:29-34 

I have often wondered how the two blind men knew about Jesus. Perhaps they heard stories of a coming Messiah passed down through the generations, or maybe they heard John the Baptist speak of Jesus arrival. They could have heard first hand information from others who were healed by the touch of Jesus. I can imagine the blind men listening intently to every conversation possible to determine the next time Jesus would visit Jericho and figuring out how they would strategically position themselves so Jesus could hear them among the crowd. These two blind men exemplified faith in what they heard about Jesus to the point of ignoring the crowd’s displeasure and seeking the Master’s attention. By faith they took the one action they could to scream at the top of their voices, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us!" The blind men didn't have all the details, they weren't even sure of the exact day and time Jesus was going to arrive or if they were close enough for Jesus to hear them, but they did the one thing that moved the heart of God--they demonstrated faith. Sometimes it takes an immediate need for us to step out on faith, but we should display this type of faith on a daily basis in every aspect of our lives. The Word instructs us to expect and hope for the Lord. If we wake up every morning believing by faith that God is going to do exactly what He promised in His word, can you imagine how not only our lives would change but the people around us would change? Family members would be saved and set free; deliverance would take place all over the earth. If we believe by faith the promises of God, we will not be able to imagine what God has in store for us. We all have a vision, a specific purpose, and through faith in God who takes delight in blessing his children, that purpose will manifest. Every aspect of our lives should exhibit faith in God to the point that no situation or circumstance will turn us around. Because of the persistent faith of the blind men not only were they healed but they were invited to walk with Jesus in his ministry, and through your persistent faith, Jesus has promised that, "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" (I Cor 2:9). Continue to seek the Lord by faith. God hears every prayer. 

Dear Lord, give us the spirit of faith in you. Amen

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lord Cover Our Children

The devastation of lives that have been lost just over the past several months is overwhelming. It is heartbreaking to think how many countless young people are literally been slaughtered everyday. I use the word slaughtered because of the brutal and violent killings that are taking place at large proportions.  

I was led by God to post a prayer for the children of this world. From infants to young adults the enemy has touched the lives of children world-wide from every walk of life. The media only magnifies certain ethnic groups but do not be fooled, Satan doesn’t care about nationality, or gender the Bible is clear, “he comes to kill, steal, and destroy" period.

In the matchless name of Jesus I pray for every young person that God will place a covering around them to ward off the attacks of the enemy. “No weapon that is formed against them shall prosper.” Lord, cover every child; they are the future of this world. Raise them up to be passionate, committed children of God with a heart after you, give them the power and anointing to destroy the enemies plots. At an early age give them the confidence to know who they are and whom they belong to and the value you have placed on their lives through the shedding of your blood. Help us as women and men of God to demonstrate and display the right example for young people, the example you have given us through Jesus Christ, and to impress your Word on their hearts so they will grow up to become strong, and focused in you. 

Lord we thank you in advance for answering this prayer and we believe by faith that it is so. 

It is written, “do not touch my anointed ones, and do my prophets no harm.” 
1 (Chron 16:22 ASV)

Pain That Has No Words
....and God will wipe every tear from their eye ....and death will be no more. 
Rev 21:4

Losing a loved one is very difficult. God gives each of us the strength and comfort to get through this season of life; however, it’s a process of allowing God to pour into you His healing power. While praying for friends who lost loved ones, I asked God what comfort I could possibly give? God spoke these words to me, I pray that if you are experiencing a loss in your life these words will comfort you and speak to your heart. 
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Rev 21:4). "He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears for all faces (Isaiah 25:8). Only time and the Word of God will get you through this season. Draw close to God through prayer and meditation on his word. He loves you so much that He died just for you so that one day all pain, sorrow, and sin will be a thing of the past. Very soon when Jesus returns we will experience the joy of seeing our loved ones again in perfect, joyful conditions that we cannot imagine. 

Lord Jesus, for those who have experienced the pain of losing loved ones touch their hearts like you never have before, comfort them and give them peace so that You will use them to tell others about You. You are the high priest and the only true living God who has experienced everything that we go through on this earth, so you are sympathetic and compassionate with us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:15-16). Help us to draw closer to You because it’s only through you that we experience the healing and comfort we need to make it through these difficult times. Thank you for making provisions for every need. Please hold us in Your loving arms and give us peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Will Fight Your Battles 

"Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's" (2 Chronicles 20:15). 

In a heavyweight boxing match, there are only two opponents fighting against each other. While the boxers are fighting, no one else is allowed in the ring. When the bell rings for the fighting to stop, trainers enter the ring to encourage the fighters, assess injuries, and provide strategy advice. When the bell rings for the fight to continue for the next round, everyone has to exit the ring again. When we are battling circumstances in our life we feel it’s our job to figure it all out and make things happen by taking advice from friends and family, and making some very important steps and decisions without consulting God. If we could do it, we wouldn't need a Savior and we all need Jesus no matter what circumstances we are in. We have to learn to step outside the ring and allow God to fight our battles. As long as we are in the ring, the fight cannot continue with an eventual end of victory. God has already told us the battle is not ours but His and He will not only fight the battle but take care of the circumstance along the way. God has already won the fight, so step outside of the ring and claim your victory! When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, "It was finished" (John 19:30). You may ask what was finished? Every negative situation in your life-homelessness, lack, loneliness, depression, sickness, and every empty space in your heart that only you and Jesus know about. There are no circumstances that were not overcome on the cross. Continue to seek Him and He will not let you fail even in the darkest hour. "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. “The Egyptians ( the circumstances) you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you: you need only to be still" (Exodus 14:13-140). 

Lord God, give us a measure of faith that will help us to totally relay on You for every situation in our lives, knowing that You have given us victory over every situation. Thank you Lord for not leaving out one detail of our lives that You cannot overcome. In Jesus’ name, Amen! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I Will Give Him Praise! 
2 Samuel 6:17-23 

David's enthusiasm bringing the ark of God back to Jerusalem after defeating the Philistines. This was David's second attempt to bring the ark back, and David was so excited the Bible tells us he danced out of his royal robe. David leaped and danced before the Lord right out of his clothes. King David didn't allow his title or who was watching to stop his praise. I believe that not only was David giving God praise for bringing the ark back; I believe David had a few flashbacks of being a shepherd boy and how God gave him the power and courage to defeat lions and bears in the midnight hour of watching sheep (1 Samuel 17:34-37). I believe David remembered how God honored his faith while going after a giant called Goliath (I Samuel 17:45-50) and protected him from Saul who vehemently sought after him to take his life (1 Samuel chapter 19). See, once you get a few flashbacks along with a great victory, it will make you praise God like you never have before. When you have a personal relationship with God, you’re not concerned about what people think or say. It’s a personal thing. Michal, David's wife, obviously had the same jealous spirit as her father. She couldn't understand David's praise, and instead of just being quiet, she expressed her jealousy in a way that was meant to degrade David as King, but listen to David's response: "It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord's people Israel I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this ... (2 Samuel 7:21-22). In other words, "Michal, perhaps you have forgotten, God chose me as the appointed King and I will dance before my God any time and any way I please. You thought that was something? You haven't seen anything yet!”  What's my point? Don't allow people or circumstances to steal your praise. You don't have an obligation to people to justify your praise, but you do have an obligation to give God praise. Have a David type of spirit and dance before the Lord! 

Dear Lord, give us a genuine spirit of praise unto You, for You are worthy of praise! In Jesus’ name. Amen! 

Message of the Week 

Don't Let Go of His Feet 

2 Kings 4:8-36 

The Shunammite woman had a problem that required immediate attention. She knew a man of God named Elisha who could resolve her problem, and she would not stop until she was in his presence. She would not even tell Elisha's servant what the problem was. As a matter of fact, when she saw Elisha, her first reaction was to "take hold of his feet." When you hold on to a person’s feet, it is usually out of desperation and as a last-resort plea for help. Where do you go or whom do you talk to when you have an immediate need or problem? Do you call your best friend, your mom, your sister? Try the person who is not surprised by your circumstances and who can turn a situation that everyone else has given up on into triumph. Oh how we need to stay at the feet of Jesus never letting go until we hear His voice, sense His presence, experience our deliverance. There are some things we can only tell Jesus. He's ultimately the only one who can provide for our every need. The woman in the Bible known as "a woman who had lived a sinful life" must have known the significance of lying at Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:37). She crashed the dinner party and took the chance of being ridiculed by the Pharisees just to lay before the Master, praising and weeping to the point of wetting His feet with her tears. And she didn't stop there. She gave the most expensive gift she had--a bottle of perfume equal to a year’s worth of income--in exchange for being in the presence of the Lord. See in His presence there is deliverance, forgiveness, comfort, and His love. Have you ever had a desperate need? Do you have one right now? Don't let go of His feet. Stay in His presence. Hold on until Jesus speaks to you concerning your situation. Worship Him at his feet. 

Lord Jesus, give us a spirit of desperation to worship you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Believing Is Not Enough

"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder" (James 2:19)

We live in a time where people believe in God, attend Church services on a regular basis, participate in communion and pay their offerings, but they also continue in their same lifestyle day after day. The word of God instructs us how to live our lives, but for many, the word never takes root in their hearts to promote change. I once heard someone say he was a member of a Church for 15 years and served in the media ministry; however, he honestly admitted he did not have a personal relationship with Christ. Attending Church is not enough. God is calling his people to holiness. The word says to "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy: without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Heb 12:14). Read that again, "Without holiness no one will see the Lord." We can give all the money we want, serve, donate, and operate in the gifts God has given us, but if our lifestyle does not reflect holiness, we will not see the Lord. Holiness means being separated or set apart from sin. God is removed from all sin and is holy in every way, and because we are his children, we are to strive for holiness. The Holy Spirit serves to instruct us and convict us of sin, which ultimately allows us to build a closer relationship with Christ. We cannot have a personal relationship with Christ in habitual sin. Just to give you a glimpse of God's holiness, Isaiah describes the angels covering their faces and feet with their wings while worshipping God. I believe that the Lord is so holy even the perfect angels have to cover themselves to be in his presence (Isaiah 6:l-3). Make a commitment today to live out your walk with the Lord striving for continuous holiness in your life. Remember even the demons believe there is only one God, but their ultimate end is the pit of hell. Believing is not enough.