Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Believing Is Not Enough

"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder" (James 2:19)

We live in a time where people believe in God, attend Church services on a regular basis, participate in communion and pay their offerings, but they also continue in their same lifestyle day after day. The word of God instructs us how to live our lives, but for many, the word never takes root in their hearts to promote change. I once heard someone say he was a member of a Church for 15 years and served in the media ministry; however, he honestly admitted he did not have a personal relationship with Christ. Attending Church is not enough. God is calling his people to holiness. The word says to "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy: without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Heb 12:14). Read that again, "Without holiness no one will see the Lord." We can give all the money we want, serve, donate, and operate in the gifts God has given us, but if our lifestyle does not reflect holiness, we will not see the Lord. Holiness means being separated or set apart from sin. God is removed from all sin and is holy in every way, and because we are his children, we are to strive for holiness. The Holy Spirit serves to instruct us and convict us of sin, which ultimately allows us to build a closer relationship with Christ. We cannot have a personal relationship with Christ in habitual sin. Just to give you a glimpse of God's holiness, Isaiah describes the angels covering their faces and feet with their wings while worshipping God. I believe that the Lord is so holy even the perfect angels have to cover themselves to be in his presence (Isaiah 6:l-3). Make a commitment today to live out your walk with the Lord striving for continuous holiness in your life. Remember even the demons believe there is only one God, but their ultimate end is the pit of hell. Believing is not enough.

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