Sunday, May 15, 2016

Run Your Own Race

Since we are surrounded by so many examples [of faith], we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up. Hebrews 12:1

Usually when we are in a physical race it begins with racers at the starting line in his or her own lane. As the race continues each individual will run at their level of physical capacity until they reach the finish line. I think its interesting that God uses the metaphor of a race to describe our spiritual journey and also makes a point to stress that we each have our own race meaning its personalized just for us. I am not sure who came up with the quote “stay in your own lane” but it’s clearly the same direction Jesus provided to us. We have to know who we are, recognized our own gifts and talents and work them for the glory of God. And when it gets hard because it will (its just life) know that we have thousands cheering us on in heaven. I can imagine them saying, “its ok you fell but get back up…keep going…I know its hard but it will be worth it…push forward.” Remember it’s a race not a sprint and the lane is winding, it has hills and valleys but its attainable because its already been predestined for greatness and success by Jesus Christ.

Remember the only thing that can stop you is you.

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