He brought me up also
out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and
established my goings. Psalms 40:2 KJV
Have you ever been in a situation where it felt like you
were in a black hole with no way out and every effort you tried to make towards
change caused more difficulty and confusion. Based on the scripture I believe
the Psalmist can relate to those situations. Life can make us all feel that way
some times. But we cannot allow those emotions to become our permanent reality.
We have rights, promises and a covenant agreement through the blood of Jesus Christ
and if you can't find anything else to hold on too stand firm on the promises
of God carry them in your heart and soul. Many times that is all we will have
but it’s the best option. Only God can take a horrific situation and turn it
around to victory. Stay in peace and wait patiently for God to change those
“pit” situations and circumstances no one can do it like the Father.
Thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads me in triumph
(as a trophy of Christ’s victory) and through me spreads and makes evident the
fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. Corinthians
2:14 AMP
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