Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Your True Love

I think it's a little ironic the number of romantic movies featured on a yearly basis. Even many TV series is based on the romantic storyline of the characters. I believe the film industry features love stories because it is the one thing that everyone seeks, being loved. We were created in the image of the one who is love and through that love, we find the most significant relationship we can ever cultivate and that is with Christ Jesus. Although God knew our fist parents would sin, just like he knows we will make mistakes he desires to share his love and blessings with his children. Can you think of anyone else in your life that knows you would fail but already had a plan in place to reverse the damage that you caused? Only God, and he did it for us, for me, for you. I believe if it was only Adam on the earth Jesus still would have sacrificed himself just to be in a relationship with Adam. That is the desperate, unimaginable love of God. It boggles the mind, melts the heart, and changes our lives. The enemy has perverted true love in so many ways that many of us don’t even know what love feels like, looks like, or what it's supposed to be modeled after. But praise God we can look to Jesus the perfect example who demonstrated his perfect love through the crucifixion. But you know the part the pulls at my heartstrings is what he endured before he even went to the cross, the rejection, insults, beatings, & scourging. Why wasn’t he just nailed to the cross? He did it for our healing, our deliverance he became the true sacrifice that animals could not satisfy so every sin we would ever commit would be forever forgotten, and forgiven. What a mighty God we serve! He didn’t leave one detail out every injustice and violation placed upon Jesus before he was actually nailed to the cross was significant to our well-being. The love we are all searching for that true love will only be quenched when you realize just how much God loves you. Not our flawed love for him but how much he cares for you that’s when chains will fall off. This truth is what the enemy has been fighting for all your life. He wants you to believe that you are not loved and therefore you have to settle for less. God gave you the best, his Son Jesus, and he will continue to always supply you with all things in its highest quality. You are royalty. And for the record, you are literally the love of God’s life. Let that sink deep in your spirit. You have been made the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ and nothing or no one can take that status from you. “It is finished.” 

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