Lies, lies and more lies….
…for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths. John 8:44
For most of my life I have heard lies about myself, you aren’t good enough, smart enough, the right complexion, your too big, too shy, to this, to that. If I didn’t hear it from family members I heard it from teachers, or saw it in their eyes, you know the look that says you don’t belong here, you don’t measure up, or how did you get this job? My life has been covered with lies, and when you are told a lie over and over again guess what you do, you live the lie because that is all you know. And when you live lies they are displayed in some very dysfunctional and ugly ways. I am not proud of them but acknowledge them now for what they are to me today, lies the enemy used to sabotage my life to the One that has given me truth. We are all fearfully and WONDERFULLY made, because we were made in God’s image, the truth and the light, Jesus Christ. You are a masterpiece Child of God. Christ died on the cross and took our sin away, stood in the gap as a one time sacrifice for mankind so when God sees us all he sees is a bunch of WONDERFUL. No sin, no lies, no mistakes, he just sees you as his awesome child that He loves more than we can fathom. So when the enemy lurks from the pit of hell to whisper lies in your ear, shout back to him who you really are. The righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, light, God’s Beloved who has authority and power over the enemy, protected by Almighty God, and redeemed with a bright future that no one can take from you. Once you allow the love of God to saturate your heart knowing the Grace of God is your covenant agreement, sealed and irrevocable, you will distinguish between the lies of the enemy and your true identity outlined in the word of God by his love. Darkness cannot overtake you because you belong to the LIGHT.
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