Sunday, June 21, 2015

Don't Let your Pain Overrule your Purpose

By divine order I stumbled on a video by Cora Jakes Coleman on You Tube responding to a question from one of her followers concerning overwhelming pain that made her want to give up on her purpose. In summary Cora responded in such a way that immediately arrested my spirit because of the painful experience I was going through. She said, (and I'm paraphrasing) your purpose has to be bigger than your pain, if you focus on the pain it will make you give up on your purpose. And that is exactly what I was doing. I was focusing on the unexplainable pain caused from other people and trying to figure out why. My focus was in the wrong place, and my thoughts and prayers were directed incorrectly.
I've come to realize we may not always understand or like how a situation makes us feel but there's purpose in it. Our job is to keep our eyes, hope, and faith on God. Depending on the degree of pain and irrationality of the situation this is very challenging. But how difficult it was for Jesus to endure all the pain and suffering that he did so we could have life. Even Jesus asked God before his final hours of being beaten, whipped and nailed to a cross "Father if it is your will remove this cup." None of us like to experience pain but it's unavoidable if we want to grow in order to walk in our destiny. Surrendering all things to God blesses us with his comforting spirit and wisdom that is poured into our hearts and minds. He does it in a way that only he can do… Praise His Holy Name!!! So if you are experiencing a tough situation right now press in by saturating your spirit with his word, prayer and worship. It's the only way to get through it without allowing it to paralyze you. Don't give up! God has given you an assignment to complete... It has to happen!!!!

(download this song)
My Eyes Are Still On You
by Darwin Hobbs
Lord I know that you....I don't know what to do but my eyes are on you. I've never been this way each step I take is strange and new but my eyes are on you. Teach me your ways and I will follow. Show me your will I will obey you. You've always brought me through. My eyes are still on you. So Teach me your ways and I will follow. I just want to do your will. I will obey even though it's hard sometimes. Father you've always brought us through so tonight my eyes are still on you. 

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