So much of
who we are and ultimately what we will become starts with our thinking. Many of
us have been conditioned to believe many things that are not true and this
misinformation develops into bad decisions and habits. “As a man thinketh in
his heart, so is he.” (Prov 23:7).
One misconception the world teaches is that you are not whole until you have a
mate. From my own personal experience I had to learn that having a mate is not
the ultimate prize, we were created and made whole in Christ. …”and in Him you
have been made COMPLETE, and He is the head over all rule and authority.” (Col 2:10 NAS) Our most
important relationship is with Jesus Christ and self. We are transformed into
Christ likeness so that his purpose in creating us is fulfilled on this earth. Our
value is predicated on the love that Christ has for us; if we place it on
anything else we will be disappointed. To be transparent it has taken many hard
lessons to grasp my value and worth through Christ, my prayer is that for
individuals who struggle with self-worth to seek the one who is love Jesus
Christ like you have never done before so truth will be revealed concerning God’s
love for you which will ultimately builds a loving and healthy relationship
with self. You will never go wrong with seeking & trusting God, try him. J
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