Sunday, September 15, 2019

Your Identity

Your identity is not tied to what you do. Your identity is tied to the one who suffered and died for you, Jesus Christ. The assignment or work is not who you are it does not “define” you. You are defined by your identity in Christ, it is the one significant truth that gives meaning to everything else. Your “doing” establishes a gratification to the flesh, your identity places you in right standing with the Father through Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in turn gives you power, wisdom and understanding to perform your assignment. But your assignment or work does not define who you are. God defines or has already defined you and he says first of all that you are love, chosen (hand picked), holy, whole, set-apart, powerful, anointed, and just and overall masterpiece standing in right position with the Father. Knowing, but most of all believing this powerful truth in your relationship with Christ will enable you to reflect the image of Jesus which is every believers assignment. It is not in what you do that provides true meaning in your life but it is in your identity through Jesus Christ. 

Rest in the finish work of Jesus Christ that not only provides salvation but an identity that no one can every take from you. 

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Eph 2:8

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