What Are Your Issues?
From the beginning of time men
and women of God have had issues. For example, Adam obviously wasn't
comfortable with his position as head of the household and allowed Eve to
deceive him. Now this is a man who walked and talk with God, named every animal
on the earth, and God used his rib to form Eve. Why would he listen to her? Eve
was insecure about her place in life and allowed Satan to deceive her out of
paradise. Seriously think about it. She was the only woman on earth. She was
perfect and living in paradise. What was she insecure about? David refused to
address his family problems and allowed lust to lead him in making wrong
decisions. This is a man who killed lions and bears as a shepherd boy and was
the only one brave enough to go after the giant Goliath. But he was afraid to
address his children concerning their behavior, and not strong enough to look
the other way? We all have issues "for all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). It doesn't matter what title you hold,
how long you have been saved, or your educational status. We all have issues
that we deal with. The amazing part to me, the part that I praise God for is
that God still used the great men and woman of the Bible to glorify His name in
mighty ways, issues and all, and he will do the same thing for us. Haven't you
noticed that God specializes in using the people who are counted as nothing by
man's standards and transforms them into Christ’s love to do his will? Glory to
God! Believe by faith that God will heal and deliver every
issue you may be dealing with. It’s a promise!
Dear Lord, for every issue,
unresolved emotional pain, and addiction, we release it to You believing by
faith in Jesus Christ that we are healed and made whole by Your precious blood.
Thank You for dying on the cross so that we may have life and have it more
abundantly, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
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