Simply Jesus
You Snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being Condemned to Hell? (Matt 23:33 )
The Pharisees appeared to have it all together, they wore their religious robes, were educated at the most prestigious schools, and had an outward appearance of having their salvation all wrapped up. However, Jesus condemned them and called them snakes, brood of vipers! (Matthew 23:33) Why? Because their hearts weren't right. Their motivation for the things they did was tainted, and Jesus obviously was not impressed. Comparing the Pharisees’ religious attitude to modern Church services today, I have to ask, Is God pleased? Many Church services are based on a strict agenda that we expect God to conform to, some Churches are a place of entertainment instead of a place of worship. Our sanctuaries are updated with big-screen monitors and the latest technology, but does God's Spirit dwell there? Does true worship take place, or are we so concerned about the time and the agenda that we miss giving God the only thing we can, worship? Have we become like the Pharisees--missing God completely because we are so concerned about the outward appearance? Aren’t you sick of Church services as usual? People are tired of the hype, the showy display of man. They simply want and need Jesus. Don’t you? Do you ever wonder what would happen if we cut off the big screen monitors, removed the praise teams and choirs and lay prostrate before the Lord and just worship, no music, no one following an agenda, just worshipping in spirit and truth? (John 4:24) I believe this would make many of the saints uncomfortable, but the true worshippers would be blessed with a move of God like we have never seen before. This type of worship would create an atmosphere of spontaneous praises in song; the saints would give monetarily even before the offering; deliverance and healing would take place all over the sanctuary. Because of one pure action--WORSHIP.
Dear Lord, I pray that You will remove every hindrance, distraction, and agenda that blocks us from getting to You. Forgive us for not putting You first, teach us how to worship you in spirit and in truth. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
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