Sunday, September 14, 2014

How Much Is Jesus Worth To You?

Do you ever wonder what Judas thoughts were before he traded Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, did he think about what he would purchase with the money or, how he would face the other disciples after his deception. Judas had several options for a spending spree, 30 pieces of silver was enough money to purchase a slave, a small farm, or hire a skilled worker for several months. Judas traded Jesus friendship, wisdom, and love for 30 pieces of silver. He could have at least negotiated a better price to show that Jesus was of some value to him, Judas asked the priest “how much will you give me if I hand him over to you?” He took the very first offer they gave, thirty pieces of silver for our Lord and Savior. (Matt 26:14) So ponder this question, what is Jesus worth to you? Or, what do we trade Jesus for? Personal relationships, pleasing flesh, prestige, position, material possessions. See we sell Jesus out when we hide our Christianity from others to fit in, when we lie, use profanity, and engage in addictive habitual behavior. Jesus didn’t put a material price on his love for us; he willingly gave up everything so we could have eternal life. He didn’t weigh the cost or try to cut a deal with the Father, he simple said, “I’ll go no one else can fix this but me, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) Our love for Christ should move us to act in obedience to his will and ways. Judas tried to reverse the betrayal by returning the money to the priest but it was to late, once the words are spoken or the actions achieved we can’t push rewind and correct the wrong. Remember when you were in grade school and a classmate would say something really cruel and we would say, “Take it back,” well we can’t take wrong actions back, however Jesus has made a way of escape by allowing us to ask Him for forgiveness and giving us another chance to make the next situation right. Hold Jesus in such high esteem in your heart and daily walk that nothing will be worth denying him for.

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